Trick Your Blood Sugar
Into Making You Skinny?BREAKING: Top Doc Shares How to STOP Cravings And Lose 10… 20… Even Up to 62 Pounds of Embarrassing FAT
“Dr. Marlene, you saved our marriage!”
Anna started crying tears of joy in my office.
And for good reason.
After working with me for just a few months, her husband John was like a new man.
He lost 31 lbs...
His face looks at least 10 years younger...
And the energy and vigor he had as a young man has come roaring back…
Now every day when John gets home from work, instead of collapsing on the couch, he
takes Anna for a long walk around the neighborhood.
And when he asks Anna about her day, she can tell he’s actually listening to her response.
Best of all, the spark they felt when they first fell in love all those years ago has
come roaring back to life.
And now John and Anna are looking forward to spending many more happy decades in each
other's arms.
But that wasn’t
always the case.
In Fact, Just A Few Months Ago, John’s Family Was Worried He … Wouldn’t Make It To His 60th Birthday
Because like a lot of us, John started gaining weight after he turned 40.
Now at first it was only a few pounds.
But with each passing year, John kept getting bigger.
Until eventually, John had gained so much weight that his family knew his excess body fat
was slowly killing him from the inside out.
Which is what finally brought John into my office.
You see, John’s son recently had a beautiful baby girl named Charlotte.
And while John was rocking her to sleep one day, John’s son broke down. And he finally told
his dad what the whole family was thinking…
“Hey Pop, we need to talk.
I can’t keep this to myself anymore.
You’ve gained a lot of weight over the last few years. And I’m starting to worry
about how much longer you’re going to be with us.
Because it would break my heart if Charlotte had to grow up without her grandfather.
And without knowing how much you loved her.
So please.
If not for me and Mom — then at least for Charlotte.
You’ve gotta lose some weight.”
Now John knows his
son loves him.
But John Still Felt Like He Was Being By His Son’s Comments Attacked
So John started to bring up all the times he tried to
lose weight in the past.
And how — even after trying dozens of strict diets and grueling exercise
routines — his weight just wouldn’t budge.
Now usually this is when the conversation would turn into a full-blown argument.
Where John’s son would accuse his dad of lacking willpower.
And John would respond by saying he was trying as hard as he could. But every
time he went to lose weight, it felt like his body was “fighting back” against him.
However this time, instead of arguing, John’s son just smiled. And then he said…
“I knew you’d say that, Pop. So I found someone that I think
you should meet.”And That’s When John’s Son Did Something Changed His Father’s Life Forever…
ThatSomething That Allowed John To Lose Over 30 Pounds Of Life-Stealing Body Fat… Without Setting Foot In A Gym Or Counting A Single Calorie
John’s son handed him my business card.
Hi there. My name is
Dr. Marlene Merritt, DOM.
I’ve worked with thousands of patients like John, who come to my
office for help losing weight.
And in this brief report, I’m going to show you exactly how I help my
patients who struggle with excess body fat that just won’t budge, no matter
how many restrictive diets or crazy workouts they try.
When I tell you some more of their stories, you won’t believe how fast and
easy it is for them to achieve head-turning results. Even when nothing else
has worked for them before.
So make sure you read every word on this short page.
Because in the next few minutes, I’m going to tell you about a discovery I made
that stunned some of my colleagues in the medical community — and explains why so
many of us can’t lose a single pound and keep it off…
You see, I discovered powerful new evidence about how your body’s chemistry
changes when you try to lose weight.
It’s a process I call “metabolic revenge.”
Because it feels like your body is “fighting back” against you whenever you try to lose weight.
And it causes embarrassing fat to cling to your belly, butt, hips, thighs, and beyond — no
matter what you try to do to get rid of it.
So If You’re Over 40 And , You May Be Suffering From Struggling Against Built-Up Fat That Just Won’t Go Away “Metabolic Revenge” As We Speak…
But don’t worry.
Because I’ll also reveal exactly how I’ve helped people lose as much as 62 pounds of
stubborn fat by stopping their metabolic revenge process…
…and how I did it by making them eat MORE of their favorite desserts!
Now I realize this may sound too good to be true…
So don’t just take my word for it.
Look at what a few everyday men and women said after they followed the
recommendations in this report…
Milton said:
“After following the recommendations…I lost close to 50 pounds! My numbers (A1C, cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar) have also improved significantly. I’m ecstatic!”
And Carrie said:
“I’ve lost thirty pounds in a little over three months [and] I now have a new wardrobe! Thanks for helping me lose the weight I needed to lose.”
Of course, everyone’s body is different. So you may see the same, worse, or even better results…
But Just Imagine Having The Power To Melt Away Every Ounce Of Fat That Has Ever Bothered You — Without Grueling Workouts, Cravings, Or Counting Calories…
Because that’s exactly what so many people have now been able to do — all without
setting foot inside a gym, starving themselves, or counting a single calorie.
And the best part is, it doesn’t matter if you’re over 40 and you think you’re
“too old” to lose weight…
If you spend most of your time sitting down and haven’t taken the best care of yourself…
Or even if you have bad genes that make fat stick to your body like superglue.
The tips I share in this special report can give you the flat belly, toned arms,
and firm body you deserve.
And that’s not all.
You’ll also find out how to get back the all-day energy you had in your 20s…
Renew the appearance of your skin and hair — making you look decades younger,
seemingly overnight…
Relieve the strain that your weight puts on your heart, arteries, and joints…
And even revitalize your gut health to eliminate embarrassing gas, bloating,
and other digestive issues.
So give me your undivided attention for the next few minutes.
And Let Me Tell You Why I Made This Potentially Life-Saving Report For You Right Now
Now like I mentioned,my name is Dr. Marlene Merritt.
I’ve been practicing medicine for almost three decades. And I’m also the award-winning
author of four books on health and nutrition. Together, they have sold almost a million
copies worldwide.
Plus on top being a Doctor of Oriental Medicine with a national board certification,
I also have national board certifications in functional medicine and nutrition.
And I run two functional medicine clinics located in Austin and Santa Fe, too.
So I’ve had thousands of patients come to me for help losing weight during my career.
And before they call me, almost all of them try at least three or four diets first.
Which means over the past three decades, I’ve seen patients on almost every diet imaginable.
Counting calories, low-carb, low-fat…
Atkins, keto, paleo…
Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan…
Even Weight Watchers and intermittent fasting.
And after a while, I started to notice a troubling pattern…
Because It Seemed Like No Matter They All Had What Diet My Patients Tried, The Same Experience…
First, they forced themselves to gag down bland or even
flat-out disgusting food.
But most of them could only keep that up for so long. Eventually, they got
overwhelmed by unstoppable hunger and cravings.
And they gave up.
Now a few of my patients did manage to fight through their cravings and lose a few pounds.
But then — out of nowhere — their weight hit a plateau. And soon it started creeping back up again.
Until — before they knew it — they had gained back every pound they lost.
And a few of them even gained back more weight. So they wound up heavier than they
were when they started!
Talk about frustrating.
So now let me ask
you a question…
Have You Ever Felt Like Your Body Tries To “Get Back At You” Whenever You Try To Lose Weight?
So that — no matter how hard you try — most of the time,
your weight doesn’t budge.
Plus on the rare occasion that you do manage to lose a little weight, it never lasts.
Before you know it, you’ve gained back every pound you lost — and then some.
Because if that sounds like you, don’t worry.
I’ve seen this happen time and time again with thousands of my patients.
Especially once they get into their 40s, 50s, and beyond.
And it led me to a once-in-a-lifetime discovery…
A Discovery That I’ve Now Used To Help My — No Matter Their Body Type Patients Lose 10…20…Even As Much As 62 Pounds
And even if they had a slow metabolism.
So let me show this fat-burning discovery right now.
Because it may just hold the key to helping you melt away your unwanted pounds for good…
You see, most people who go on a diet immediately suffer from ravenous hunger and unstoppable cravings.
So it’s no surprise that almost all of them quit in frustration after a few weeks at best.
And to make matters worse, they usually start to beat themselves about it, too.
They feel guilty for giving up.
Like there’s something wrong with them for “having no willpower.”
But what if I told you that your willpower is FINE?
And That The Real Problem Has
Nothing To Do With Your Will…
…and Everything To Do With Your Blood
That’s right. Your blood.
You see, after you eat a meal, your digestive system breaks down that
meal into energy.
This energy is then shared with the rest of your body through your bloodstream.
But when you go on a restrictive diet, it means there’s less energy in the
food you eat.
And that causes the energy levels in your bloodstream to drop, too.
Well, another name for the energy in your bloodstream
is your blood sugar.
So when your blood sugar drops below whatever “normal” is for you — even that’s higher
than average — your body reacts like it’s running out of the life-giving energy it needs
to survive.
And It Sets Off An "Alarm" Inside Your Body, Making You Hungry And Causing Cravings That Force You To Eat More Food
But not just any cravings…
A landmark study from scientists at Yale University found that low blood sugar
makes you crave sugary sweets, greasy fries, and other “junk” food specifically.
And even worse, the heavier you are, the worse these cravings get!
Which explains why, as you gain weight, it becomes harder to get rid of your unwanted pounds…
You see, during the study, the Ivy-league scientists put 14 men and women into a brain
scanner while their blood sugar was low. Then the scientists showed the participants pictures of food…
Now when the participants saw pictures of asparagus,
broccoli, and tofu, their brains flickered a little. Kind of like a dying light bulb.
But when the participants saw pictures of french fries,
cookies, and pizza, their brains lit up like a Christmas tree.
And even more shocking, the participants who were obese had the biggest
spike in brain activity!
Which Proves That Low Blood Sugar Levels Lead Directly To The Ravenous Hunger And Unstoppable Cravings That Cause So Many Of Us To Quit Our Diets
So if you’ve ever had to quit a diet because of the hunger and the cravings…
Now you know it’s not your willpower.
And it’s not your fault.
The truth is, your body’s chemistry is to blame.
And guess what?
The Same Thing Is True
If You’ve Ever Lost A Little Weight…
But Couldn’t Keep It Off
And instead — after hitting a plateau — you suddenly gained back every
ounce of fat that you had before.
Even though you were still following the
same diet that helped you lose weight in the first place!
Trust me. I know how frustrating this can be…
And how it can make you feel like something must be broken inside your body.
So I hope it will comfort you to hear that gaining back weight like this
actually isn’t your fault, either.
Here’s why…
To start, remember that food is your body's primary energy source.
So That Means — When You Go On Your Body's Energy Supply Drops
A Restrictive Diet —Now for a while, your body will burn fat to make up for some of that lost energy…
But stunning new evidence shows that dieting also slows down your body's fat-burning metabolism.
And eventually, your metabolism slows down SO much that you stop losing weight…and start
gaining it, instead.
In a study funded by the NIH, scientists examined 14 of the original contestants from the
TV show The Biggest Loser. Which if you haven’t seen, is a 30-week competition to find out
who can lose the most weight.
The contestants go through an extreme regiment of diet and exercise. Frequently losing
125 pounds or more.
But when the scientists followed up with
these contestants six years later, they were shocked…Because The Scientists Found That
The Contestants Were Burning 500 Fewer
Calories A Day Than They Should Have Been
For Their Size
And remember, this was six years after the show ended.
Here’s why that’s truly shocking…
You see, 500 calories is about the same as a Big Mac.
Which means when your metabolism slows down by 500 calories a day, it’s like you’re eating an “invisible Big Mac” — every single day!
That’s how many calories your metabolism should be burning. But isn’t.
And the worst part is, it only takes 3,500 calories to gain a pound of fat.
Which Means When You
You’ll Pack On An Extra Pound
Of Fat Every Single Week!
So now you understand the real reason so many people fall into the
vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting.
Where it feels like you’ve lost the same 10 pounds…
10 different times.
Because whenever you lose weight, your metabolism comes to a screeching halt.
And that means it’s only a matter of time before you hit a frustrating plateau…and
your weight starts creeping back up again.
So At This Point, You’ve Seen There Are Two Main Reasons It's Almost Impossible To Lose Weight That Keep It Off
First, your body’s chemistry generates ravenous hunger and cravings
to get you to eat more.
And second, your metabolism slows to a crawl — until you gain back every
pound you’ve lost.
I Call This Your Body’s
“Metabolic Revenge”
Because whenever you try to lose weight, this process “fights back” by
giving you ravenous cravings and slowing down your metabolism. And that makes it
almost impossible to lose weight and keep it off for good.
But don’t worry.
Because I also discovered a way to stop your body’s
metabolic revenge process in its tracks.
And using this discovery, I’ve seen people lose as much as 62 pounds of
uncomfortable body fat. Even if they don’t have the “skinny gene” and have
never been able to lose weight in the past.
So let me show you what to do right now.
You see, once I realized exactly how the metabolic revenge process changes your
body’s chemistry and prevents you from losing weight…
I Took My Decades Of Medical Experience And Started To Look For A Solution
Now remember, the metabolic revenge process starts by causing overwhelming
hunger and cravings.
Which means any solution to this process would need to keep you full and energized for
hours — while stopping cravings in their tracks.
So I knew right away that the answer could never be a pill.
The answer had to be some kind of food or meal — like an energy bar or maybe even a slimming shake.
Because by now you’ve seen that everyday foods don’t keep your hunger and cravings at bay
when the metabolic revenge process kicks in.
So On Top Of Serving As A Satisfying Meal, Help You Feel Full And Energized
I Knew My Solution Would Also Have To Include Specific Nutrients ToPlus it would also need to support your blood sugar levels. Since low blood
sugar is often the root cause of the worst junk-food cravings.
And it would even need to have ingredients that boost your metabolism. Since
the metabolic revenge process also slows your metabolism to a crawl.
Now the good news is — thanks to my decades of experience in functional medicine —
I knew there were a handful of rare nutrients, superfoods, and botanicals that
could do what I needed.
At least on their own.
But I would still need to see what happened when I mixed them all together…
If I could even get them to mix together in the first place, that is.
Because I Also Had No Idea How To Formulate A Solution Like The One I Had In Mind…
That’s when I knew I needed to call for help.
And luckily, I knew exactly who to call…
You see, after writing several best-selling books about health and nutrition,
my publisher Marty asked me to join his company’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board.
But Marty’s company doesn’t only publish health books…
They also develop dozens of top-rated nutrition formulas under their brand name Primal Labs.
So I Knew If Anyone Could Help Me Create A Formula That Stops The Metabolic Revenge Process, It Would Be Marty
And I made an appointment to go see him a few days later.
When I got to Marty’s office, I started by telling him about my discovery of
the metabolic revenge process. And how it causes ravenous cravings, while dragging
down your metabolism like an anchor.
Then I gave him a list of potent botanicals that I knew about from my
decades practicing functional medicine.
These natural ingredients have the power to stop cravings in their tracks.
Some of them even target your cravings for carbs, sweets, and junk food specifically.
While others ignite your fat-burning metabolism and give you all-day energy
like you had in your 20s.
And I explained that I thought we might be able to combine them to create a delicious,
filling, and fat-burning shake.
Now I have to be honest. When Marty saw everything I wanted to put in this formula,
he went quiet for a moment.
Then he looked at me and said…
“Dr. Marlene, this all sounds great. But I have to tell you the truth…”
“There’s Almost No Way We’ll Be Into A Single Recipe.” Able To Fit All Of This
But then Marty started to smile. And he continued…
“If we can somehow pull this off though, it could change millions of lives. So let’s give it a try.”
And with that, we got to work.
To start, Marty found a well-known laboratory that makes products you can
find in the country’s top health and wellness stores — like GNC and The
Vitamin Shoppe.
He thought if anyone could get our shake formula right, it would be them.
And we spent months going back and forth with them trying to perfect our formula.
But every sample they sent us tasted awful. And each one was chalky and full of clumps, too.
So eventually we realized we had to walk away…
There was only one problem…
Where would we go?
After all, this was one of the most prestigious labs in the entire country.
If they couldn’t pull off this recipe…would anyone be able to?
Worried, we started looking for other options.
And A Few Months Later, Marty Called Me To Say A Reputation For Succeeding Where Others Had Failed.
He Found A Boutique Lab WithHe also reassured me that — despite their size — this lab is still registered with
the FDA and follows their strict manufacturing guidelines.
So we decided to give them a shot.
And we started the entire process over again.
It was exhausting.
But the first sample from our new lab was much better than anything we got from the first lab.
So that made us hopeful we were finally on the right track.
However our slimming shake formula still wasn’t as rich and creamy as we wanted.
So we gave the lab our feedback, optimistic that their second batch would be everything we wanted.
But then we tried it…
And it tasted terrible.
Maybe even worse than the samples from the first lab.
Now At This Point, We Started To Wonder If Our Standards Were Just Too High
And if we would have to sacrifice some of the quality or the ingredients to
make the recipe for our slimming shake work.
But our new lab insisted that we give them one more try first — before we changed the recipe.
After all, their reputation for pulling off even the most difficult formulas was on the line.
And a few weeks later, I got a call from Marty to come to his office so we could try the
latest batch they sent over.
Once I got there, we each mixed up a glass of our slimming shake formula using the latest sample.
And After Our Past Failures,I Took A Deep Breath Before Giving It A Try…
Because I knew that — if things went wrong — what I was about to
experience might be truly revolting…
I put the glass to my lips…took a small sip…
And then my eyes shot open.
I was shocked.
After more than half a dozen failures…we had finally done it.
We Created A Delicious, Shut Down The Metabolic Revenge Process
Slimming Shake — Packed With Fat-Burning Ingredients That I Believed CouldI was still a little nervous, though.
Because like I said, the science told me each ingredient would do what I wanted on its own…
But I still had to prove that these powerful ingredients would work together
to stop the metabolic revenge process.
So I started giving my patients their own samples to test as soon as I could.
And when I saw what happened next, I almost couldn’t believe it…
Because their results were astonishing.
Take my patient John.
After his first appointment, I told him to start using this slimming shake every day.
And just two visits later, he walked into my office
a whopping 30 pounds lighter!
John isn’t the only one, either.
Here’s What Happened When Other People Try This Slimming Shake For Themselves…
Had A Chance ToPat wrote in to tell me she drinks it with her husband each morning. And she says...
I have lost 15 pounds since using the [slimming] shake!”
And Kevin says…
“I drink it twice a day, and it has since helped lower my overall weight by thirty pounds!”
Finally, Pete said this slimming shake took a whopping EIGHT inches off his waist!
Take a look…
“[It] made me go from a 44” waist to a 36.” A total of 15 pounds! My digestion is improved as are my blood pressure numbers and cholesterol!”
Now remember, everyone’s body is different. So you may see the same, worse, or even better results from this slimming shake.
But Just Imagine Having The Melt As Much As 62 Pounds Of Jiggly Fat Off Your Body — Without Exhausting Workouts, Cravings, Or Counting Calories…
Power ToBecause that’s exactly what this slimming shake has been able to
do for so many of my patients.
And after seeing so many people smash their weight-loss goals with this slimming shake…
We Decided To
Call Our Shake
Smash-It! is the first and only slimming shake formulated to stop your body’s
metabolic revenge process and help you effortlessly melt away up to 62 pounds
of stubborn fat…
All while enjoying a creamy and delicious treat that tastes just like your favorite
milkshake — including creamy chocolate, rich vanilla, and refreshing strawberry.
On top of that, Smash-It! is also the first and only slimming shake formulated to
stop your body’s metabolic revenge process.
So it doesn’t matter if you’re in your
30s or your 70s…It doesn’t matter if you spend most of your time sitting down and haven’t
taken the best care of yourself…
And it doesn’t even matter if you have a slow metabolism or if the
“skinny gene” doesn’t run in your family.
Smash-It! Gives You The Power To Melt Away Every Ounce Of Fat That Has Ever Bothered You, No Matter Your Body Type…
Without going on a starvation diet that makes you eat like a rabbit…
Without wearing yourself out at the gym — or even taking one step on a treadmill…
And without expensive, complicated, and dangerous, bariatric surgery.
In fact, after the first week, many Smash-It! users rave that their pants are looser and
their belly is flatter…
…that their energy levels and zest for life have come roaring back…
…that they look younger and their hair and skin is healthier…
…even that their digestion has improved.
And if that's what people say happens in the first week, then just imagine what can happen after a few months…
Imagine Losing More Than 50 Pounds And Seeing Your Slim And Stunning New Body Each Morning In The Mirror
A body that also feels brand new. Because your relentless muscle and joint
pain has vanished — now that you’re not carrying around all that extra weight.
(And yes ladies, that includes the agonizing back pain you get from lugging
around oversized breasts.)
Or think about how great it will feel when people you meet mistake you for someone half
your age. Because you melted away the puffy fat on your face, chin, and neck — and
replaced it with firm, glowing skin.
And imagine the relief you’ll experience when you no longer feel trapped in your own body…
When you’re not sweaty, exhausted, and uncomfortable
all the time…
And when you can stop worrying about what your partner really thinks when
they see you getting dressed.
But best of all — imagine getting a call from your doctor, saying that your
numbers have all come down. And that you’re now on track to live a long, healthy,
and active life.
And guess what?
Because All This And More Can Be YoursCreamy, Delicious, And Slimming Inside Smash-It! Formula
With TheWhich means by now, you’re probably eager to see how you can get your
hands on your own supply
And I’m going to show you exactly how to do that in just a moment.
But first, you deserve to know exactly what’s inside Smash-It!. And why it works so well.
First, our customers rave about how good the fat-melting formula inside Smash-It! tastes.
You see, Smash-It! comes in three creamy and delicious flavors…
which tastes like a warm batch of brownies.
Vanilla caramel:
which tastes like a slice of birthday cake right out of the oven.
And strawberry:
which tastes like a bundle of fresh, perfectly ripe strawberries.
But unlike other shakes, Smash-It! does NOT have a gritty or chalky texture.
And it doesn’t have that “chemical” aftertaste you get from stevia or other
fake sweeteners, either.
Instead, Smash-It! uses just a tiny bit all-natural monk fruit — which has zero
calories and is 300 times sweeter than sugar.
Which Is Why Our Customers Say
Smash-It! Is So Good, “It’s Addictive”
And that it “almost seems like cheating” — because they never feel
deprived or hungry.
Instead, with Smash-It!, you can enjoy a delicious treat that tastes like
your favorite milkshake, while melting pound after pound of jiggly fat off
your body.
Still don’t believe me?
Take a look at what one Smash-It! customer
named Kenneth told us.
Kenneth has lost a whopping 62 pounds using Smash-It!. And he says it tastes
so good, he was actually skeptical that it would work at first!
Check it out…
“These things are tasty enough that at first I didn’t think they
would work. I was like ‘there’s something wrong here’ — because if it
works it’s gotta taste horrendous…
NO! It doesn’t.
It’s the first one that I’ve found that works AND tastes good.
They’re actually so good, it’s almost like cheating. You are not
deprived with Smash-It!”
Now you may wonder how we can make a healthy, slimming shake
like this taste so good.
But rest assured, Smash-It! has NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives.
And while our customers love the creamy flavors of their slimming shakes — Smash-It!
is also MUCH more than just a tasty treat.
It’s Also Loaded With Powerful Nutrients, Shut Down Cravings And Boost Your Metabolism
Superfoods, And Botanicals ThatWhich you now know are the telltale signs of your body’s metabolic revenge process.
So let me start by showing you how Smash-It! eliminates these cravings right now.
Now remember, earlier you saw that low blood sugar leads to devastating hunger and
unstoppable cravings — especially for sugary sweets, greasy fries, and other “junk” food.
And that the heavier you are, the worse these cravings get.
That’s why Smash-It! is packed with ingredients that support healthy blood-sugar levels
and insulin sensitivity. Including magnesium,
L-leucine, and chromium.
In fact, one study even showed that chromium may help reduce cravings for carbs,
sweets, and other junk food specifically.
Plus every Smash-It! shake also has a whopping 21 grams of protein. And meals
rich in protein are proven to keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours
after you finish.[xx]
Which Means Smash-It! Can Shut Down Keep You Full, Energized, For Hours On End And Satisfied
Even The Most Intense Hunger And Cravings, And WillThat’s not just my opinion, either.
Take a look at what these Smash-It! users said happened to their cravings and hunger once they started taking Smash-It!…
“I no longer crave sweets and junk food. Amazing!”
“I am finally off the sugar rollercoaster now and have much steadier
energy levels all day long. The afternoon dip is all but gone. I no longer
crave sweets or coffee during those times.”
“It’s filling! I usually have it around 9:00 a.m. and don’t get
hungry till about 1:00 p.m.”
And that’s not all.
Having stable blood sugar also helps prevent exhausting energy crashes.
Which Is Why Other Smash-It! Users Rave About Having All-Day Energy Like They Did In Their 20s. Take A Look…
“[Smash-It!] keeps me full all morning and keeps my energy up throughout
long 12 hour shifts.”
“I have more energy and I am doing more things around the house.”
“I am healthier and my energy levels are much higher. I love this stuff!”
But remember, the metabolic revenge process doesn’t only cause cravings
and low energy.
It also slows your fat-burning metabolism to a crawl.
That’s Why Smash-It! Also Contains Powerful Keep Your Metabolism Burning — No Matter How Old You Are Red-Hot
Nutrients ThatTo start, Smash-It! has six grams of healthy fats called MCTs.
MCT stands for “medium-chain triglyceride.” And these healthy fats are a
metabolism-boosting powerhouse.
Because not only do MCTs increase your overall metabolism.
Studies also show that MCTs may help your
body burn fat specifically.
But that’s not all.
Earlier, I mentioned that each slimming Smash-It!
shake contains 21 grams of hearty protein.
And Studies Show That Eating Protein Can “Trick” Your Body Into Burning Up To 30% More Calories!
See, your digestive system needs energy to break down the food you eat.
And it turns out that digesting protein requires a lot more energy compared to
other types of food.
In fact, as much as 30% of the calories in protein get used up right away to
digest that protein.
Which means if you eat 100 calories of protein, only 70 of those calories actually “count.”
And it's like the other 30 calories just disappear into thin air!
Which is how eating protein can “trick” your body into burning up to 30% more calories.
And is why we made sure to include 21 grams of filling protein in the Smash-It! formula.
So At This Point, You’ve Seen How Smash-It! Stops Your Body’s Metabolic Revenge Process
And how it can help you lose as much as 62 pounds by eliminating
cravings and revving up your metabolism.
But Smash-It! is also much more than just another slimming shake.
And while it can absolutely help you lose those pesky extra pounds…
It also features nutrients that help you live a long, active, and
healthy life — by supporting your heart, arteries, and even your gut.
But Before I Tell You More,Let Me Show You Why I’m So Excited With My Friends Primal Labs… To Be Working On Smash-It!
You see, Primal Labs is one of the most trusted
health brands in America.
In fact, they’ve shipped over one million natural health products to tens of
thousands of happy customers.
And they helped me make sure that Smash-It! exceeds even the highest standards
for quality and purity.
First, we only make Smash-It! in America. And we use a state-of-the-art laboratory
that follows the Current Good Manufacturing Processes guidelines set by the FDA.
Plus the formula for Smash-It! only contains natural, non-GMO, and gluten-free
ingredients — with absolutely NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.
And NO fillers, stearates, coatings, or dyes, either.
On top of that, every batch of Smash-It! gets tested by an independent lab for quality and purity — and also comes with a certificate of analysis.
Which means you can enjoy Smash-It! with total confidence, knowing that it’s safe, natural, and effective.
And by now it
should be clear.
Smash-It! Is The First And Only Formula Lose More Than 50 Pounds By Stopping Your Body’s Metabolic Revenge Process
That Can Help YouAnd that means it doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30s or your 70s…
If you haven’t taken the best care of yourself…
Or even if you have bad genes that make fat stick to your body like superglue.
The slimming formula inside Smash-It! can help give you the flat belly and firm
body of your dreams.
Which means you’ve probably got two big questions on your mind right now…
One: “How do I get my hands on Smash-It!?”
And more importantly, two: ”What do I need to do to have the
best experience?”
Well, I know that a lot of us are struggling financially right now.
Many of us are living paycheck-to-paycheck. And others have no savings.
That’s Why We’re Working As Affordable As We Can — For Long As We Can
Hard To Make Smash-It!
But I have to be honest…it’s a challenge.
Because you’ve already seen the rigorous standards that we have for Smash-It!.
And maintaining that level of quality and purity is neither fast nor cheap.
On top of that, once people experience the delicious, fat-melting power of
Smash-It! for themselves…
…almost all of them keep coming back for more.
And that puts even more pressure on the lab where we make Smash-It!.
Which Means
We Regularly Sell Out For Weeks
— And Even Months At A Time
Now the good news is — the last time I checked — Smash-It!
is in stock right now.
And since you’ve invested your valuable time to read this special report…
I want to make sure you get the absolute best deal possible on this delicious, slimming shake.
So in just a moment, I’ll show you how you can get your hands on a fresh supply of Smash-It!.
And how you can try it with absolutely no risk, thanks to our new Slim & Savvy Program.
But first, let me answer the second question — how do you have the absolute best
experience with Smash-It!?
Now you should always check with your own healthcare practitioner before beginning a
new weight-management program.
But just so you know, here's exactly what I tell my patients to do. Including John,
who I mentioned before lost more than 30 pounds with the help of Smash-It!.
First, For The Best Experience, Use Smash-It! Every Day
I Tell My Patients To
And whether it's a bagel, donut, or cereal in the morning…
A burger and fries in the afternoon…
Or a big bowl of pasta at night…
To simply enjoy a delicious, creamy Smash-It! shake instead.
Because with Smash-It!, you get a healthy, filling meal that tastes like dessert…
keeps you full and energized for hours…AND incinerates the jiggly fat built up
all across your body.
Now Some People Might Call This A I Call It A Meal Upgrade Because Smash-It! Lets You Lose Pound After Pound Of Stubborn Fat…
“Meal Replacement”…
While enjoying creamy and delicious shakes that probably taste better than the
rubbery microwave meals or soggy fast food you’re eating now.
Plus Smash-It! keeps you full, satisfied, and energized for HOURS — with absolutely
no cravings, so you never feel deprived.
Now a lot of Smash-It! customers say their pants feel looser almost immediately once they start enjoying these slimming shakes. And that the number on scale starts to plummet right away, too.
But For The Absolute Best Experience, Use Smash-It! For At Least Two Months
I Recommend My PatientsBecause imagine how toned and lean your body will be after two months of slimming
Smash-It! shakes…
…how much more confident and beautiful you’ll feel in your own skin…
…and how much younger you’ll look once you’re not carrying around all that extra weight.
That’s why right now — and only on this website — I want to give you Smash-It! for the
deal of a lifetime.
Because the fact that you’ve made it this far into this report tells me you know
how important it is to get your weight under control.
Not just so you look amazing. But also so you don’t wind up in a hospital bed —
and instead, can remain healthy and active for ALL the wonderful years you have left.
Which Is Why It’s CRITICAL YouDon’t Put This Decision Off To Another Day
Because even as you read this, bottle after bottle of Smash-It!
is flying off the shelves.
And if we run out, it could be months before we have more in stock again.
Which means if you don’t act now, it may be months before you can experience
the delicious, fat-melting power of Smash-It! for yourself.
And it would break my heart for you to spend that time feeling trapped in your body…
…sweaty, uncomfortable, and struggling to fit into your clothes…
…and always wondering what people are thinking when you catch them staring at
you from the corner of your eye.
Now I don’t know about you…
But I Believe
Life Is Too Precious To Spend It
Uncomfortable And Unhappy
So don’t pass up this rare opportunity to transform
your life with just a few clicks.
Because I’ve seen people try some crazy things to lose weight.
Some people spend hundreds of dollars a month on a gym membership and personal trainer…
Others don’t blink an eye at dropping $5,000 for liposuction or bariatric surgery.
And a few will even shell out $10,000 for a year of diet meal delivery!
So I wasn’t surprised when the team at Primal Labs said they wanted to charge
$150 for a container of Smash-It!.
Because when you consider how much people are spending on other — less-effective —
methods to lose weight…
You can see that a jar of Smash-It! is an amazing value. Even at $150.
But even though people would happily pay that much and more to lose over 50 pounds
with these delicious, slimming shakes…
I didn’t start my medical practice for the money.
I started it to help the millions of men and women who don’t want to spend the rest of
their days waking up ashamed by how they look in the mirror — and terrified that their
lives will be cut short if they can’t get their weight under control.
So I Told The Team At Primal LabsThey Had To Bring The Price Way Down
Because I knew in my heart that the slimming formula inside Smash-It!
has the power to change millions of lives. And shrink millions of waistlines.
Which is why I’m thrilled to announce that we finally found a way to lower the
price of Smash-It! — without sacrificing an ounce of quality.
And that means we can get this one-of-a-kind slimming formula
into the hands of more struggling Americans.
So when you say “YES!” to the slimming power of Smash-It! right now…
You won’t have to pay $150 per bottle.
You won’t even have to pay HALF that.
Instead, by taking action right now — while we’re still in stock…
You can get a container of Smash-It! for only $49.95.
And Because Each Container Makes Each Shake Is Only $3.33
15 Delicious Smash-It! Shakes, That Means
Which is less than you’d pay for a $5 foot-long sandwich filled
with mystery meat.
And it’s about what you’d spend to get a few items from the fast-food dollar menu.
But instead of a greasy, soggy burger and fries — which will make you fat, clog your
arteries, and crash your energy levels a few hours later…
…you can savor a creamy and filling shake that tastes like dessert…keeps you full and
energized for hours…AND blasts away the squishy fat covering your stomach, face, and neck.
Plus at this price — you’ll SAVE money at the same time!
And While That’s An
Amazing Deal, I Still Have
One More Surprise
Up My Sleeve
Because remember, I recommend that my patients use
Smash-It! for at least two months.
Because the longer you use it, the more weight you can lose.
So we’ve created an even deeper discount program that rewards you for ordering
multiple bottles today.
That means when you stock up on four bottles of Smash-It! for yourself and for your
loved ones right now…
Instead of paying $49.95 per bottle…
The price is just $39.96.
Which Means You’ll
Get A Two-Month Supply Of Slimming
Smash-It! Shakes For Almost 75% Off
The Intended Price
And just imagine how many pounds you will effortlessly melt away after
enjoying these creamy, delicious, and slimming shakes for two whole months…
Will it be 10 pounds?
20 pounds?
Maybe even more?
The only way to find out for sure is to claim your four-bottle supply of Smash-It! now.
So use the form below to claim your supply of Smash-It! and lock in our biggest savings ever.
And make sure you only use the form on this page.
Because to thank you for reading this special report and spending your time with me today…
I’m going to add two free bonus gifts to your order — worth more than $50!
But again — that’s only when you order right now, using the form on this page.
The First Free Bonus Is A Sparkling-New Shaker Bottle
That way, you can mix up a creamy and delicious Smash-It!
shake in seconds. Even if you’re on the go or don’t have
a blender at home.
You see, Smash-It! is distilled into an ultra-fine powder.
So it’s easy to absorb and mixes together in seconds — even
if you only have a shaker bottle and water.
However if you want to make your Smash-It! shake as rich
and creamy as possible, we do recommend using a blender.
That’s why…
Your Second Free Bonus Is 30 Delicious, Fat-Burning Inside Shake Recipes
“Smash-It! Blending Made Easy”Which means if you’re one of those people who needs variety and loves
trying new things, you’ll never get tired of drinking the same-old shake again.
Here are just a few of the decadent recipes you’ll get free with your
order inside “Smash-It! Blending Made Easy”…
And don’t worry. All 30 fat-burning shake recipes are easy and convenient
to make — using nothing but Smash-It!, a blender, and ingredients you can find
at any grocery store.
In fact, one customer told us that she “can prepare and consume [her] Smash-It!
meal before somebody else can set their plate on the table!”
Now combined, these two bonuses are valued at more than $50. But they’re yours
free when you use the form below to claim your supply of Smash-It! right now.
And There’s Even More To The Revolutionary Smash-It! Formula That I Can’t Wait To Tell You About, Too…
Because at this point, I’m sure you know that being overweight puts a lot of
strain on your heart. And it can eventually lead to tragedy…like a heart attack,
stroke, or even death.
That’s why we made sure that Smash-It! is packed with heart-healthy nutrients…
Like Spectra™ — a clinically validated blend of 29 fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants.
Spectra™ increases nitric oxide levels in your bloodstream by as much as 65%,
which may help acutely lower blood pressure.
Plus Smash-It! also has a probiotic called L. acidophilus that improves cholesterol levels.
And it even has Vitamins D, B6, B12 and Folic acid to help you maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
Also, on top of supporting your heart health, we designed the groundbreaking formula
inside Smash-It! to support your gut health, too.
Which Means Smash-It! Can Help Prevent Bloating, Gas, And Other Embarrassing Digestive Issues For Hours On End
Smash-It! contains a one-of-a-kind blend of fiber, probiotics, and digestive
enzymes that revitalize your gut.
For example, one of the probiotics in Smash-It! is called L. casei. And it
can help you stay regular and enjoy better, more complete poops.
Because according to the latest research, L. casei improves stool quantity and
consistency — as well as the frequency of your bowel movements.
Plus it may even help alleviate occasional constipation, too.
And L. casei is just one of the six probiotic strains in Smash-It!.
Another strain is called L. acidophilus. And I mentioned before that it
improves cholesterol levels.
But that’s not all it does.
It also supports your digestive system and reduces the symptoms of irritable
bowel syndrome (or IBS).
Now all together, the probiotic blend in Smash-It! contains more than five
billion units of good bacteria.
And when you add these probiotics to our digestive enzymes and fiber blend…
It means you don’t have to worry about gas, bloating, or other digestive problems
with Smash-It! — no matter how sensitive your stomach is.
Which Is Why We SaySmash-It! Is So Much More Than Just Another Slimming Shake.
Because the groundbreaking formula inside Smash-It! has a revolutionary blend of natural ingredients. Including…
Which means no other slimming shake does more to reduce your weight and improve
your health than Smash-It!.
Trust me, I’ve tried almost all of them. And it’s my opinion that buying any
other shake from Amazon or GNC would be a waste of your time and your hard-earned money.
But at the same time, I know that it can be scary to try something new.
Especially when it comes to your health.
And I bet you’ve also been burned by other other weight-loss products
in the past that didn’t work out.
That’s why I’m going to take away ALL the risk when you try Smash-It! today.
Because Every Order Of Smash-It! Hassle-Free, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee From Primal Labs.
Is Backed By AHere’s how it works…
Using the order form below, start by selecting your package of one, two, or
four containers. Then choose your flavors and click the “Add to Order” button.
From there, you will go to our secure checkout form to enter your
billing details and complete your order.
And don’t worry. Your personal information is protected by the latest,
military-grade security. So your order is 100% safe and secure.
Plus this is a one-time order. You will not
receive any other charges or shipments that you haven't asked for.
Once you complete your order, our fulfillment team will rush your supply
of Smash-It! to your door.
Most shipments leave our warehouse within 24 hours.
Which means when you order now, you could be enjoying your first creamy…satisfying…
fat-melting sip of Smash-It! in just a few days.
And Just Imagine How It Will Feel When You Blend Up Your First Slimming Smash-It! Shake…
Imagine yourself savoring a delicious, creamy treat that tastes like a warm
batch of brownies...fresh, perfectly ripe strawberries…or a slice of birthday
cake right out of the oven.
And most important…
Imagine the sense of relief you’ll feel knowing that — with each sip — you’re
one step closer to melting away 10…20…even more than 50 pounds of fat from all
over your body.
Trust me.
Life becomes much more fun when you no longer feel trapped inside your body
and judged for your weight.
Can You Feel It?
You’ll Feel Alive Again…
You’ll Feel Free
Like you’ve finally been released from a dark and desperate cage
created by your excess body fat.
And for the first time in years…
…or maybe even decades…
…you’ll finally remember what it feels like to have the
most inspiring emotion of all…
Hope for a brighter future.
Hope for health and happiness.
And hope for a long and joyful life.
Isn't That
Something You'd Love To Experience
For Yourself?
Well ALL of this can be yours. Right now! Here on this page.
All you have to do is use the form below and order your supply of Smash-It!
before we run out of stock again.
Plus if you try Smash-It! today…
…and for some strange reason, you don’t absolutely love everything about it…
…the taste, the texture, and most importantly, the results…
…then I WANT you to get your money back.
That’s why I’m happy to say every order of Smash-It! is backed by a hassle-free,
60-day money-back guarantee from Primal Labs.
Which means if Smash-It! doesn’t do everything I promised on this page, just reach
out to the friendly Primal Labs customer support team within 60 days of receiving your order.
They’re based right here in Dallas. And their phone number is on every container of Smash-It!.
Plus you can also contact them on their website.
And with one simple call, you’ll get a prompt and courteous refund of the full
purchase price — even on empty bottles — no questions asked.
Plus we’ll let you keep your two free bonus gifts — a $50 value! — just to
thank you for giving us a try.
That’s how confident I am that claiming your supply of Smash-It! will be
the best decision you make this year.
Because I’ve Seen The
Fat-Burning Power Of Smash-It!
Over And Over Again With My Patients
And I have no doubt that once you experience it for yourself, you’ll
join tens of thousands of other happy Smash-It! customers.
But still — isn’t it nice to know that you have nothing to lose?
Because at this point, you’ve heard the undeniable success stories
I’ve had with my patients…
You understand the rock-solid science…
And you’ve even seen the irrefutable studies…
All of which reveal that your body’s “metabolic revenge” process is the real
reason you haven’t been able to lose weight before. Especially if you’re over 40.
And you’ve also seen how Smash-It! has the only formula specifically
designed to shut down this process.
Which Means
Smash-It! Can Help You
Finally Melt Away Every Ounce Of Stubborn Fat
That Has Ever Bothered You
No Matter Your Body Type.
And Without Doing A Single
Plus on top of all that, you can also try Smash-It! for a full 60 days
without risking a single penny.
And if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with the taste, texture, results,
or anything else…
You can get ALL your money back with one quick call to our friendly customer
support team based right here in Dallas.
We’ll even let you keep your two free bonus gifts — a $50 value! — to
thank you for giving us a try.
So claim your supply of Smash-It! using the form below now. And remember to choose
the four-bottle option to lock in our biggest savings ever.
Because when your friends and loved ones ask how you lost so much weight, you’ll
want to have a little extra to share with them.
But hurry. Because with a product this popular, we often sell out of Smash-It! for
months at a time. And even as you’re reading this, we have bottles flying out the door.
So Don’t Miss This Rare Transform Your Weight, Your ... Health, And Your Life
Opportunity ToAll with just a few clicks.
Use the form below right now to claim your risk-free supply of Smash-It!.
And you’ll also get the free shaker bottle and recipe guide as our complimentary
gifts to you.
Because We’ve Reached The End Of Now This Special Report
And what happens next is up to you.
So you have a decision to make.
Now you could decide to ignore everything you’ve seen today…
The amazing science, the irrefutable studies, and the verified reviews
from dozens of real Smash-It! customers…
…all showing the delicious, fat-burning formula inside Smash-It!
can help melt pound after pound of stubborn fat off your body with ease.
That’s one path you could take.
And if you decide to go that way, no hard feelings.
In fact, I wish you nothing but success and happiness…
But Do Me A Favor And
Ask Yourself...
If you don’t do something now to start losing weight and reclaiming your health…
…whether it’s with Smash-It! or something else…
…what’s going to change?
Imagine what happens if you continue to carry around your pot belly and love
handles with you everywhere you go.
Imagine dragging yourself through each day feeling tired, sweaty, and uncomfortable —
wishing you could just disappear.
And Worst Of All, Imagine Living The Rest Of Your Life In Fear — Waking Up Every Morning And Wondering If Today Is The Day You End Up In A Hospital Bed…Or Worse
All because of the damage your weight is doing to your heart.
Now I realize this may sound harsh.
But I truly believe that’s what’s at stake.
And I would hate for you to look back on this moment a few months or years
from now and regret not choosing a different path.
Because it’s not too late.
You CAN Choose A Different Path Right Now
You can say YES to the fat-melting power of Smash-It! by choosing your package
and flavors using the form below — then completing your order on the next page
using our 100% secure checkout area.
And 24 hours later, your shipment of Smash-It! will be on its way to you.
Imagine getting your shipment just a few days from now, tearing open the box,
and twisting open the lid on a fresh container of Smash-It!.
And as you reach for the scoop…
…the scent of rich chocolate brownies…ripe strawberries…or warm vanilla
birthday cake hits your nose.
Then picture yourself mixing up your first slimming Smash-It! shake in
your blender or shaker bottle…
…and savoring its smooth, creamy, and satisfying flavor for the first time.
And most important, imagine the peace-of-mind you’ll feel…
…knowing that the slimming formula inside Smash-It! makes even the most stubborn
fat disappear — seemingly overnight.
Imagine the confidence you’ll feel…
…when just a few days later, your pants are looser — and your energy has come
roaring back like you’re 20 again.
Best Of All,
Imagine Waking Up A Few Months From Now And Admiring Your Slim,
Toned Body In The Mirror With A Beaming Smile On Your Face
Because not only are you up to 50 pounds lighter…
You’re also free from the stress, discomfort, and unhappiness of being overweight.
And you no longer feel like a prisoner trapped inside your own by body.
Well right now — here on this page — all this and more can be yours.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30s or your 70s…
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t taken the best care of yourself…
And it doesn’t even matter if you have a slow metabolism or bad genes that make fat
stick to your body like duct tape.
All you have to do to lose as much as 62 pounds of embarrassing fat is order your
supply of Smash-It! right now.
And remember, you don’t risk a single penny when you claim your supply of Smash-It!
today. Since your order is protected by the 60-day, hassle-free, money-back guarantee
from Primal Labs.
Plus you’ll also get a free shaker bottle and recipe guide — worth more than $50 —
as our free gifts to you when you order today.
So Claim Your Supply Of Smash-It! Now — And Choose The Four-Bottle Option For The Biggest Savings
Remember ToBecause when your friends and loved ones ask how you lost so much
But hurry, because I mentioned before that — with a product this popular — we’re
always at risk of running out of stock. And even as you’re reading this, we have
bottles flying off the shelves.
So don’t miss this rare opportunity to transform your weight, your health, and your life…
Use the form below to choose your package and flavors now — then complete your order
using our 100% secure checkout area on the next page.
And last — thank you so much for spending your time with me today.
I look forward to hearing your Smash-It! success story soon!
Step 1:
Choose Quantity
Frequently Asked Questions